We’re more aware now than ever how small our planet is. A butterfly flapping it’s wings in California  can affect wind patterns in Africa, making it increasingly important we as global citizens expand our perception of the world around is.

Chris Bashinelli takes his one-decade experience as a social entrepreneur, explorer and television host to share the formula he used to moderate major events for the United Nations, executive producing a TV Show for PBS and leading a National Geographic Expedition. His unique life path has brought him to nearly 40 countries, building bridges across cultures and gaining unprecedented insight into the universal human experience. Bash invites you to “Step Outside Your World” and embrace a unifying perspective!


HOW TO BRIDGE THE GAP – How to harness your unique gifts to serve others

A leader unflinchingly places the needs of others above his or her own. This drive to serve our clients stems from recognizing that all human beings are interdependent. Having walked in the shoes of everyone from Pakistani fish mongers to Mongolian nomads, Bash sees firsthand how every role is just as valuable as the next and no one is more important than another- be it the secretary, the janitor, or the CEO.

Being a Global Leader doesn’t mean changing our jobs, joining the Peace Corps, or even traveling abroad! Rather, it means recognizing the service we already provide to our clients and the difference we already make in people’s lives. Bash helps us realize our true potential by eliminating self-doubt through exercises that reinforce trust in ourselves. Through stories of leaders who have overcome unthinkable obstacles around the globe, Bash reaffirms that we can each increase our productivity by shifting our focus from self to other.

RULES OF THE STOOP – The 3 simple steps for strengthening relationships

The “Stoop” is a universal metaphor for building connections with people across intercultural, intergenerational and international boundaries. It is a mentality defined by listening, non-judgment and the courage to step outside our comfort zones. Bash’s childhood Brooklyn stoop was a set of stairs with friends that shared a total of thirteen nationalities. Sometimes a stoop is a teashop in Saudi Arabia, a pile of rocks in Haiti, or the community workplace in a Minnesota accounting firm. In this flagship talk, Bash defines the practical steps by which we can create stoops in both our communities and in the workplace.

Join Bash on a trek across continents, wrestling with nomads in the hills of Mongolia, jumping with Maasai warriors on the plains of Africa, and understanding the subtle cultural nuances that define human relationship. The Rules of the Stoop are the actual method by which to diffuse tensions and strengthen the most challenging relationships in our personal and professional lives. Through thought provoking exercises, unique audience participation and uplifting videos we will be empowered to create more authentic relationships here and now.

STEP OUTSIDE YOUR WORLD – A guide to unleashing your potential and contributing to humanity

A Global Citizen uses his or her everyday life as a vehicle to serve others. Global Citizenship (GC) does not mean giving up our possessions and traveling the world to volunteer- it means finding moments each day, both inside and outside the office, as a means to contribute. Once we identify our unique gifts and abilities we can transform them into a means to serve. The good news is we can do this in essentially any career on Earth!

Bash traveled to over 30 countries before realizing that being a GC has nothing to do with traveling the world. GC is a mentality we carry with us in our hearts that strengthens our relationships, builds trust in ourselves, and breathes life into our productive winds. It is categorized by authenticity, openness and a genuine concern for others. Having trained with Mongolian herdsmen, walked for clean water in Haiti and harvested buffalo in Pine Ridge, Bash defines the new GC mentality- one that we can apply to our lives today.

IGNORE THE NOISE – Life lessons for discovering your passion

Noise in the modern world is constant and serves to distract us not only from our greater goals, but also from our internal decision maker- our heart. Before we can identify our unique talents and offer them to the world, we first must learn to Ignore the Noise. By putting down our smart phones and turning our attention inside we often gain insights into some of our most pressing challenges. Join Bash, National Geographic Explorer and TV Host, on an introspective journey to the often intimidating, yet rewarding path of life after college.

At 20 years old Bash was broke, living at home and far removed from the path of his dreams. By 23 he became one of the youngest people to speak in the UN General Assembly Hall and produced an international TV Show for PBS. His journey to the unexpected has been plagued by failure and tragedy. By ignoring the noise and trusting himself in his greatest moments of doubt Bash was able to discover his potential and create a niche career path a social entrepreneur. Ultimately we’ll learn that fulfillment has less to do with our outer career path and more to do with our inner path- our intention. Through captivating stories and thought provoking exercises students will leave with confidence they need to embrace life after college- in any career they embark on.