Michele Rigby Assad

The CIA is looking for walking contradictions.

Michele Rigby Assad is a former undercover officer in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations. Trained as a counterterrorism specialist, Michele served her country for ten years, working in Iraq and other secret Middle Eastern locations.

Upon retirement from active service, Michele and her husband Joseph (also a former agent) joined a group of Americans who wished to aid persecuted Christians. Their efforts resulted in the evacuation of a group from northern Iraq that was featured on ABC’s 20/20 in December 2015.

Michele holds a master’s degree in Contemporary Arab Studies from Georgetown University. Today she serves as an international security consultant.

Courage and confidence
Rapport building
Reading body language
Turning challenging situations around
Leverage women’s intuition
High stakes negotiation


Michele enjoys speaking to women’s groups, providing personal security training to international travelers, and showing business teams how they can apply intelligence lessons to workplace productivity, sales and team culture.


  • speaking to large, live audiences (human rights conferences, women’s groups, civic organizations, church groups, college classrooms and chapel services),
  • being on television (providing interviews throughout her educational career and starring in a television commercial in Egypt), and
  • providing training for CIA officers on counterterrorism and counterintelligence issues.