RedPropeller Speaker’s Blog

RedPropeller Speaker’s Blog2018-08-08T14:56:57+00:00

Leadership Can Be Done by Anyone by Mark Sanborn, CSP, CPAE

February 14th, 2013|

Shakespeare famously wrote in Twelfth Night, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” People often apply that quote to leadership, but only part of it applies. Leadership is something anyone can do (and leadership is something you do), but it must be learned [...]

Partner Selling: 8 Steps to Serve Your Customers & Be Rewarded

February 13th, 2013|

Partner selling is a very logical approach to selling in today’s electronically connected world. We all like to do business with people we know and trust. This simply makes a buyer more confident in their purchase. If you sell from the perspective of serving customers as a partner, rather than [...]

Get the Most Out of Your Employees With Free Download

January 18th, 2013|

The American Society for Training & Development has put together a Workforce Development download. The download aims to provide companies cost-effective ways to increase engagement and success within its organization. Learn more here.

Yahoo! and You: Climbing Back Up

November 10th, 2012|

Yahoo! is ready to tackle its challenges with a new CEO, Marissa Mayer. The hurdles the company and yours face in this down-economic and competitive climate are well known. Success will take rebuilding from the ground up. Stan Slap, Chief Executive Officer of slap, the international consulting company renowned for [...]

Pine & Gilmore Tell You How!

November 9th, 2012|

While you might be tempted to slow down for the holidays, resist the urge! Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore, authors of the international best-seller The Experience Economy and Authenticity, are gearing up for their new Workshop series. On November 13, 2012, Joe and Jim are hosting day-long sessions in Cleveland, [...]

Member Verses Industry Value—What You Need to Know by Ed Rigsbee

October 25th, 2012|

In member recruitment, the primary driver that you must completely understand is “member-only” value. Trying to convince a person to pay money to join your organization to get what they are already getting is just nonsense. Not to Get Lost in the Weeds For over a decade, I have been [...]

Teambuilding by Brian Biro

October 16th, 2012|

Many years ago the great innovator, Buckminster Fuller introduced the term ‘synergy’ wherein synthesis (creation) is joined with energy to create a form of alchemy. With human beings this simply means that when we work the way we are capable of working together, one plus one no longer equals two. [...]

Everyone Is a Leader by Brian Biro

October 15th, 2012|

When you get right down to it, leadership is making decisions. The way we show up every day, our effort, energy, and attitude – in other words, our CHOICES – are the real indicators of leadership. Emerson said, “What you DO screams so loudly I can’t hear a word you’re [...]

In Presidential Debates More is Said Than Just Words

October 12th, 2012|

It’s not just what you say, it’s how you smile, how you sit and how you shake hands. Body language can convey more than you’re aware of. In the recent debates, much was made about how the candidates interacted with each other. Little things like eye contact and how they [...]

Confidence Gets a Leg Up

October 12th, 2012|

At one time or another most of us have found ourselves sitting over cocktails with co-workers discussing a surprise promotion. How did she get that job? She didn’t seem particularly knowledgeable or capable and is quick to toot her own horn when you stayed modestly mum about your accomplishments. So [...]

Bidding Adieu to Bryan

October 1st, 2012|

We received horribly sad news this past weekend. Our good friend whom we have worked with for over 20 years, and the most bureau friendly speaker on the planet, Bryan Townsend, died this morning. We are pouring out our love and our prayers to his entire family and [...]

Libby Gill's Recipe for Getting Out of Life's Ruts

September 27th, 2012|

Ever been stuck in a rut you just can’t seem to motor out of? Life can be a bit of a bog sometimes, leaving us spinning our wheels hoping a tow-truck comes to our rescue. For those mired life moments, Libby Gill has a few suggestions. First, spot where you’re [...]

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