RedPropeller Speaker’s Blog

RedPropeller Speaker’s Blog2018-08-08T14:56:57+00:00

Why Winners Win

February 28th, 2018|

For the past week and a half - all around the world - we have been united in watching the 2018 Olympics. We are amazed by the ski jumping. We are thrilled with the figure skaters, and we cheer for the bobsled teams. We collectively celebrate the almost 3,000 athletes [...]

Madness With Meaning

February 21st, 2018|

For basketball fans, there are no months better than March and early April. Affectionately dubbed March Madness, it's a time with a seemingly endless string of basketball games; the NIT (National Invitational Tournament) for men's basketball, plus the Big Dance – the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association's) tourneys for men [...]

Heroes or Victims: A Tale of Two Perspectives

February 9th, 2018|

Three Points To Consider 1. The hands we’re dealt aren’t always good ones. The people, behaviors, situations, circumstances, conditions and events we encounter don’t always measure up to what we expect. I thought I’d begin with an understatement! 2. We always make choices about the bad hands we're dealt. Yes, [...]

An Interview With Jack Mackey

February 2nd, 2018|

  Jack Mackey served as long-time Chief Evangelist at Service Management Group (SMG), the leading customer experience firm dedicated to improving loyalty and sales for service-based businesses. He brings to life service strategies from 30 years of ongoing research at Harvard Business School, grounded with up-to-the-minute customer experience discoveries. The "Jack [...]

Moving to Great

January 25th, 2018|

Written by Diane Vaccaro Each of us was born to win, but we have been conditioned to lose. We are born to thrive, to grow, and to develop. But, we get conditioned to lose, to settle, to sit back. We allow the words of others, and our own self talk, [...]

Where’s Your Problem-Solving Process? – Keith Harmeyer

December 18th, 2017|

Not so long ago, a “successful business” was typically one that started with a good idea, executed that idea well, and then was effectively managed. That’s an oversimplification, to be sure; but if a business followed this basic model, it could potentially thrive for decades (and many did). Today, the [...]

The Belief That Fuels The Hero Perspective- Jim Bearden

December 4th, 2017|

Three Truths About Beliefs 1. They are powerful. Even though we may not even be consciously aware of our actual beliefs, they are the basis of the choices we make, the meanings we assign and our behavioral responses to the people, situations and circumstances we encounter. 2. Their power is [...]

Love Your Job, And Your Job Will Love You

November 27th, 2017|

If you could turn to your co-worker on a busy Monday afternoon and ask them how their day’s going, how do you think they’ll react? From mournful sighs to sarcastic jabs, you’ll discover a hundred and one ways to say “I hate my job.” In the spirit of companionship, you [...]

Why is it Important to Dare Your Employees?

November 13th, 2017|

I was speaking to a young man who recently got out of TV news after 5 years. He is smart and talented and won awards in his short time as a reporter. When I asked why he left the business he said it was because he asked his managers if [...]

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