Diversity and Inclusion Training Doesn’t Have to be Boring
Don't sit through another diversity training course with boring, awkward videos and bored participants too afraid of offending to participate. Instead, try Risha Grant. Her edgy diversity and inclusion training facilitates honest, authentic conversations about unconscious bias, inclusive cultures, and micro-aggressions. Risha is an internationally renowned diversity, inclusion and bias [...]
Lead the Future with Strategic Innovation
Did COVID derail your plans and leave your organization struggling? Are you unsure of your path forward? To get back on track you need a crystal ball. Or one of the world's leading futurists on global trends and innovation. Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurist Speakers [...]
Mindfulness Leadership for Greater Success
What if you could create a work environment that inspires, supports and encourages your workforce? By being a mindful leader, you can build a resilient, positive and productive team. Pandit Dasa can teach you how to do it. Pandit believes being mindful is the key to effective leadership. He's helped [...]
Celebrate What’s Right!
There is beauty and joy in everything. Finding it can make the difference between surviving and thriving. In these tough times, Dewitt Jones can help you celebrate what's right in your lives and organizations. Dewitt Jones is one of America’s top professional photographers. A master of the platform, he combines [...]
Healthy and Happy is What’s for Dinner
With so many of us stuck at home waiting the pandemic out, Zonya Foco is just what the doctor ordered. Her in person or virtual presentations deliver high energy content crossed with low maintenance solutions to make healthy living fun and doable not matter where you are. Thirty-year veteran Registered [...]
Elevate Your Business From Average To Extraordinary
In a COVID (hopefully soon to be post-COVID!) world, business as usual just doesn't cut it. To cut through the noise and stand above your competition, you need innovative business strategies, top performing leadership and exemplary customer service. Scott Greenberg can help get you there. Scott Greenberg is a business [...]
Create Momentum and Fuel Your Organization
Change maker. Rule breaker. Business fixer. If you're looking for a fresh, dynamic, engaging and inspirational message that delivers real world actionable tools to help you grow your business for your next virtual or in person meeting, Lucy Bloom is for you. Lucy Bloom led a successful boutique advertising agency [...]
Use Science to Improve Your Leadership Game
Start 2021 with new tactics and strategies to achieve your goals and making lasting impacts on your organization. Alison Fragale is passionate about sharing her knowledge of how humans think, feel, and act to help you tackle your biggest challenge — understanding and managing the people around you. Alison’s unique [...]
Innovate and grow, not business as usual
Change is coming at us fast and furious. But it's not something to fear. It's something to get excited about! Get into the race with futurist Chris Riddell and meet the future with success. Chris Riddell is a Global Futurist, bringing an understanding of digital and global emerging trends to [...]
Stop Playing Tug of War with Time
Did you always think you'd have more time if only you weren't stuck in traffic or running here and there or juggling business meetings and kid's appointments? Then COVID slowed your life to a crawl and you realized you still don't have time to do what you want. You don't [...]
Get Peak Performance by Leading From the Front Row
Quality leadership makes great organizations. Learn to lead from the front row. Get out of your comfort zone with Marilyn Sherman. Marilyn Sherman delivers strategies to achieve better results. With inspiring stories backed with proven methods, her "Front-Row Success" keynote reminds people to change their seat to change their life. [...]
Conquer change, boost resilience and accelerate success
Help your organization conquer change, boost resilience and reduce stress. Kim Becking will teach you how to communicate and connect in a more authentic and meaningful way. Kim knows about change and challenges. As an attorney, serial entrepreneur running two successful businesses, communications strategist and “recovering” political consultant, Kim has [...]