RedPropeller Speaker’s Blog

RedPropeller Speaker’s Blog2018-08-08T14:56:57+00:00

Build resilience and break down stress

June 6th, 2022|

We're all stressed out, over-worked and in desperate need of a laugh and new tools to navigate our fast-paced world. Tim Gard can help with that. Tim's skillful use of ordinary items in extraordinary ways, and extraordinary items in ordinary ways, helps us laugh everyday when facing challenges and stress. [...]

Make SHI(F)T Happen- Breaking Racial Barriers

May 28th, 2022|

Harness the power of the 21st Century Woman to propel your organization forward. Jen Buck can help you do it. As the descendant of chattel slavery, and the ancestor of family who enslaved people, Desiree Stephens and Jen will co-facilitate this moving, soul-stirring, and ultimately very inspiring 60-minute keynote. This [...]

Administrative Assistants Week is coming!

April 19th, 2022|

Celebrate your administrative professionals! Administrative Professionals Week is April 25-29. Your assistants and receptionists keep your operations running. Take the time to applaud their efforts. Joy Baldridge can help you do it. Joy shares innovative, actionable, invaluable tools and proven fresh ideas that you can benefit from by applying to [...]

Grow your business with disruptive collaboration

April 4th, 2022|

Building powerful business relationships and instilling an organizational culture of collaboration is a fundamental key to success for leaders and sales professionals. Learn how with Tim Sanders. Tim is the CEO of Deeper Media, a research and consultancy firm helping organizations tackle marketing innovation, sales performance, talent management, leadership development [...]

Start your emotional fitness routine

March 5th, 2022|

Do you find yourself in the vicious cycle of thinking that when X is accomplished you'll be happy? It's exhausting and impossible. Before you burn out, take a minute to listen to what Nataly Kogan has to say about how to accomplish true happiness. Nataly immigrated to the US as [...]

The Pressure is On – Face It with Warrior Toughness

February 28th, 2022|

You're feeling it right now. The pressure to deliver, to succeed, to just keep your head above water. This is trying times to be sure. Ex-Navy Seal Stephen Drum knows all about pressure, and he can deliver you the tools you need to help you achieve optimal performance in spite [...]

Take a break before you break

February 15th, 2022|

It's been dark days the last few years. We've all struggled to stay on our path, finding each new challenge harder and harder to meet head on. Breeda Miller knows what you're going through, and her powerful story and creative ideas can help recharge your light and prevent burnout. An [...]

Harness digital information to improve sales

January 30th, 2022|

In today's digital world, finding the right sales leads and developing the right pitches is both easier and more difficult than ever. The key to finding and developing strong relationships is through better information. Sam Richter will show you how. Sam is founder and CEO of SBR Worldwide/Know More. He [...]

Keep great employees with these simple steps

January 10th, 2022|

Employee churn is inevitable, but we've entered an unprecedented period of employment realignment. Workers are trading in and trading up, leaving companies that don't meet their needs. And it's not always for more money. So how do you create a culture and work environment that entices your best employees to [...]

Start 2022 off with empowering motivation

January 1st, 2022|

Is there anything you can't do with empowering collaboration and the mindset that if you want something in life you'll find a way to make it happen no matter the odds? Lacey Henderson can tell you there's nothing you can't accomplish. Lacey was just nine years old when her leg [...]

Humor, value and a glimpse at your economic future

December 21st, 2021|

It's crazy out there right now. Real Estate is booming. The stock market is posting off the chart highs and stomach churning lows. Every day is a new financial adventure, leaving most people clutching their 401(k) statements wondering if their positioned correctly and what they should be doing. One thing [...]

Give your team a positive energy edge

November 7th, 2021|

We all have set backs, uncertainty and failures. But peak performers know how to shove past those doubts and fears to achieve in spite of them. How do they do that? Alex Weber knows what it takes to overcome daunting challenges, hard failures, and even our own limits and will [...]

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